Monday, February 25, 2008

Reused Plastic Bag Project

Today I started my plastic bag project: making a reusable plastic bag from plastic bags! I cut up the bags, I have mostly brown and white bags.
I slipped the loops together alternating brown and white, then rolled a ball.

I started by making my beginning chain, then single crocheting. I am going to make a rectangle for the bottom of the bag then go around from there.

The brown/white alternation is starting to look pretty neat. I am excited to see how it turn out.


I just have to share the beautiful colors that I got for my arm warmers! Plus, I found the scarf I am going to make. It's the Garden Scarf from my Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet book! YAY! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Recently we've been listening to guided sleep meditation music before and during sleeping! It's the most amazing and thorough sleep that I've ever achieved. I've always been a good sleeper, it is one of my favorite things to do. Now, it's like power sleeping, the most REM in an 8 hour period, the better. I feel more alive during the day, I am happier and more excited and energetic. I think that you will just have to try it to see what I mean.

Beautiful yarn for ME ;0)

My first ever local yarn store purchase happened after work the other day. Yah, after work, I got myself a office job to support my yarn habit, well that and other important life needs. I stopped by Yarn Garden on Hawthorne to browse for something to make myself some arm warmers with. I found a 50% wool and 50% alpaca in this beautiful earthy orange. Upon purchasing this wonderful new exciting yarn I learned about how they roll it into a ball for you. Exciting I know, and how could this be my first such experience? That's the best question of all because I am not sure how I've been able to keep myself away from this. Must of been the lack of income and knowledge. But oh well, sometimes the best things in life are just worth waiting for and yes, I am still talking about yarn.
Anyway, I decided to make rectangles that I am going to sew leaving a hole for my thumb. Since, I've de
cided that I will have to go back and purchase the brown and green to embroider some branches and leaves before sewing. I am using the tuscan stitch which is perfect for embroidery. I really hope that I get them done before it gets too warm to wear them. I've been working on them on the bus while I commute. Yay! arm warmers!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Earthy Eye at Space Monkey

Earthy Eye hats are now available at Space Monkey Coffee
which is a rad
coffee shop in south east Portland.
5511 SE 72nd Ave
Portland, Oregon 97206
(503) 772-3028
Experience includes:
-Yummy organic coffee

-bagels, yogurt & snacks


-Mt. Scott Park/Rec Center across the street
-Comfy hangout
-Earthy Eye Hats
-other local artists

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Shoot Cupid weekend

Well Shoot Cupid was a bummer regarding sales and the new grease smell that smoothers my hats. Everything else was fun though, I enjoyed the other venders who I got to set up next to.

Since I don't have much exciting news regarding Shoot Cupid I thought I'd share other things that are going on in my life. Last Sunday I planted starts in my basement including broccoli, cabbage, onion, tomato and leeks. Today, one week later, I have four 2" broccoli sprouts, two 2" cabbage sprouts, and the onion, tomato and leeks are peaking out of the soil as well. This summer is going to be a very awesome and plentiful summer. The girls are already out getting the soil ready. Oh, and outside we've planted the asparagus, it's so tiny and cute :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sauvie Island

This afternoon Christina and I took a relaxing drive to Sauvie Island. We stopped and got some warm drinks to take on a nice stroll on the beach. I'd not been to Sauvie Island before and it was a really nice time. We both wanted to get out of the city to enjoy some nature.

We are very luck
y living in Portland, there are so many options for this. There was a bit of rain sprinkles but it was not windy. We saw blue herons, an eagle, 4 deer and a tun of other wildlife. It was a very lovely afternoon, thank you Christina! :)

"Live too much in the past or in the future, and you lose touch with the present moment. This moment will never come again. Live it now."

(some great advise that I am trying out)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Plastic - what a bummer...

Plastic is a bummer and even worse, a catastrophe! I read this article and I think everyone should read it!
"A vast swath of the Pacific, twice the size of Texas, is full of a plastic stew that is entering the food chain. Scientists say these toxins are causing obesity, infertility...and worse."
(this poor bird & turtle are just small samples of the truth) And I think that we should all be more cautious regarding our choices! Think before you buy! Buy handmade! Buy recycled, second-hand, etc. What are you going to put your purchases in? (Answer: not a plastic bag) My new goals 1.) serious thought before I purchase: Do I really, really need it? Can I live without it? What will happen to it after I am not able to use it any longer? What happens if it breaks? Is it fixable? What would happen to it if it goes into a landfill? So much to think about regarding money spending. Also, remember to vote with your money! Buy US made as much as possible. Etc, I could go on forever. 2.) I am going to reuse/recycle with the best of them. Check out this rad blog that I found regarding making very functional items from plastic bags. I am going to have to give it a try, I will let you know how it works out! Her blog also has lots of great links!
Think of the future! It's not too late to help it out!