Success! Setting up at the People's Farmer's Market yesterday was an awesome experience! I got hooked up with some PDX Etsy girls who are keeping my posted on when these great events take place. I am very excited about that and I need to get on top of things! I sold 4 hats yesterday and 1 notebook. I need more inventory! Special orders are coming in, Christmas is coming up and I need to learn to manage my time better! I need to set daily goals of how many hats to make each day! I need to be ready at any moment to make a sale. This is all so exciting and new and fun. Suzie and Claire came to keep me company and Claire modeled a hat. (it's a bit small, but she sported it well, thanks Claire!)
Thanks for your support friends! :)
MY VERY FIRST REAL SALE! What I mean by this is, is that someone bought something and it wasn't someone who I already know. (not that friend sales are unreal, they're real :) Someone purchased a notebook, the MAX notebook, Nat called that. Surprised I didn't sell more of those really, but not really I guess, I don't know, I like them :)THANKS FRIENDS for all of your support! All-in-all yesterday was a good day. Good practice. I did not make it the whole day though, I stopped at 4 pm and am sorry if you stopped by to see me and I was gone. I was super tired from the only 4 or so hours of nervous/anxious sleep the night before. That and the folks next to me where smoking up a storm which is really never good for business if you ask me. I did learn some things. 1. make bigger hats! 2. don't accidentally make friends with the crazy lady, because she will tell you exactly what you're doing wrong.
Honestly, I am glad it's over and I can go on making some more hats and figuring out how to do better next time.
I made a new hat, it is called a 'Winter Bean' and will keep you warmer than the regular Beanie Hat.