This lion sure does! Following the Beary Bean, the lion is for David's nephew Liam. To the right, modeled by Beth who makes it obvious how very cute it is.
My very first crocheted friend. This is Scrap Cat and he was made as an experiment out of scrap yarn with no pattern. He was given to a special friend as a Winter Solstice gift. I think he's pretty funny with all of those random yarns, and he's not very soft. He doesn't have any bottom legs either as he is just like the velveteen rabbit. And we all like him just the way he is. Go Scrappy!
I was a craft vendor at the PDX Etsy holiday sale at PSU. My mom came to this event with me and we had a good time. It cost me $24 for my table and luckily I sold one hat, a $24 dollar hat. I am thankful for that. Also, for the other vendors that I got to meet who are all really awesome and inspiring people! At the end I got to trade with other vendors. I traded a hat for some earrings and a hat for a ceramic tea cup. Awesome! It did weird me out a bit that I was able to sell hats better in September than December. But I know some reasons why including the two other vendors who were selling beautiful knit/crochet hats and the farmer's market vendor who was selling crocheted hats and homemade yarn. It was a great day either way, and I've found that I LOVE trading! So, let me know what you've got ;)
It's true, it's true. A Winter Bean for the little one. Of course the first one goes to Claire, my ultimate hat model. Isn't it the cutest thing you've ever seen? Now her ears are warm! I better get on another one as she's going to grow out of this one real quick!
My hats are now being sold at Pulse Salon. It is downtown Portland on 10th and Yamhill. I am very excited about this and I have met some really awesome people! Pulse Salon can bring your hair to life and has massage and facials - 503.274.4272. Also, our favorite Christina Murphy is now massaging at Pulse Salon. Give her a call regarding your next massage - 503.504.2512.
This Beary Bean is a very special order. David ordered it for his niece who lives in Scotland. I am very excited about this hat, it is so cute. I can't wait to see what it looks like on a kiddo. It's soft and it's going to be nice and warm. Next, Doggy Bean or Lion Bean, need to get some more yarn first. Hope you like it David! Also, hope that Katie loves it :) You'll have to take some pictures for me!
Joe had me make him a green and yellow hat because he is a Duck fan. So, the brilliant idea is to make more sport team colored hats! Especially green and yellow for the Ducks and orange & brown for the Beavers! WOOT!
Today, I finally did it. I made a successful Beanie Cap. It's pretty good I think. Nat says that it needs something in the bill to keep it stiff. I am not sure that it does. It seems to stay where it is supposed to all by itself.
I made a chicken hat for David for his Halloween costume. It's a hit so far and it's not even Halloween yet. Can't wait to see it with the rest of the costume. I used pipe cleaner to get the doodle to stand up. I am going to add more as it is still a bit too floppy.
I've been learning to sew since 2000. Slowly learning how to make new things and learning how to get along with my sewing machine. My mom doesn't sew and asked me to make her dogs each a vest harness. I looked at one that was too small for the smallest dog, Tiny, and made a pattern for both dogs. I learned that you cannot sew sticky Velcro, not unless you want a sticky catastrophe. I learned how to use bias tape and how to make it. It was fun and my mom has already purchased the material needed for some winter vest harnesses that are warmer. I will be making those as soon as I get chance, it's already very cold in Central Oregon. It's defiantly funny making 'dog clothes' and I will not be making a hobby out of it. Kewpi and Tiny are both so very enthused to be dressed up in matching outfits, they can hardly handle the excitement.
Success! Setting up at the People's Farmer's Market yesterday was an awesome experience! I got hooked up with some PDX Etsy girls who are keeping my posted on when these great events take place. I am very excited about that and I need to get on top of things! I sold 4 hats yesterday and 1 notebook. I need more inventory! Special orders are coming in, Christmas is coming up and I need to learn to manage my time better! I need to set daily goals of how many hats to make each day! I need to be ready at any moment to make a sale. This is all so exciting and new and fun. Suzie and Claire came to keep me company and Claire modeled a hat. (it's a bit small, but she sported it well, thanks Claire!) Thanks for your support friends! :)
MY VERY FIRST REAL SALE! What I mean by this is, is that someone bought something and it wasn't someone who I already know. (not that friend sales are unreal, they're real :) Someone purchased a notebook, the MAX notebook, Nat called that. Surprised I didn't sell more of those really, but not really I guess, I don't know, I like them :) THANKS FRIENDS for all of your support! All-in-all yesterday was a good day. Good practice.I did not make it the whole day though, I stopped at 4 pm and am sorry if you stopped by to see me and I was gone. I was super tired from the only 4 or so hours of nervous/anxious sleep the night before. That and the folks next to me where smoking up a storm which is really never good for business if you ask me. I did learn some things. 1. make bigger hats! 2. don't accidentally make friends with the crazy lady, because she will tell you exactly what you're doing wrong. Honestly, I am glad it's over and I can go on making some more hats and figuring out how to do better next time.
A fun new idea that I read about is making notebooks out of recycled paper. I found used paper next to the printer, on Craigslist, paperbags and from friends. I used a paper cutter to cut the pages to 4.25 x 5.5 inches. Putting the pages blank-page up and adding envelopes (places to stash other notes, receipts, etc.) and a cover. I drilled holes through the paper using a drill press. I clamped wood on the outside after learning about the paper slipping and making crooked holes. It was also a useful guide for putting the hole in same place each time. Then I found a website teaching bookbinding. It was super helpful and has super clear instructions with pictures. I have sold a few of these notebooks and have decided to add them to my Etsy. I have ideas for bigger notebooks and ones not bound with hemp but with binder-type rings. oh the fun you can have with paper!
An experiment that turned out fabulous. I started with Patons Classic Merino Wool that is perfect for felting projects. The second yarn is Lion Fun Fir. I single crocheted a long rectangle, then started crocheting around it. I decreased to make the opening of the purse smaller than the bottom. I washed it to complete the felting and after it dried I sewed the handles on. Then I gave it to my best friend to sport around. This is not a classic felted project as you can't even tell that it's felting unless you look really close and know what to look for. Felting turns a knitted/crocheted project into a densely-woven fabric by fusing wool fibers by washing in the washing machine or boiling.
I bought a tea pot, then I needed a tea cozy. So, I made one, free-style. Double crochet with two strands of yarn, some regular green stuff mixed with Sugar 'n Cream. Now my tea stays warmer longer.
Can't go wrong with one of these. I got the pattern off of the yarn I bought. It's Lily Sugar 'n Cream yarn that is generally used to make dish clothes and other kitchen items. The shopping bag is stretchy and fits a good amount of groceries. It's such a better alternative than bringing home loads of grocery bags every trip to the store. It folds up rather small and can fit into a backpack or bike bag. Remembering to take it with me is the only issue I ever come up with. I try and keep it in my car.